Over the past few months, the Mississippi Administrative Office of the Courts has been partnering with the Council of State Government Justice Center (CSG) and the National Council for Juvenile Court Judges (NCJFCJ), providing targeted support to Mississippi for delinquency court improvements.

CSG and NCJFCJ conducted a 50-state study last year resulting in this report [csgjusticecenter.org]. The findings and recommendations included in the report are the basis for our current project. Over the next several months, CSG and NCJFCJ will continue working in Mississippi (and two other states) to review youth court statutes, rules and policies, conduct quantitative case-level data analysis, and conduct confidential listening sessions with a variety of stakeholders, as well as hear from a leadership advisory committee about key priorities. The findings will be presented to the leadership group and CSG and NCJFCJ will support Mississippi stakeholders in coming to consensus on a set of recommendations supporting an action plan for implementation.

The next step in the process is to schedule confidential listening sessions with youth court stakeholders to highlight gaps and challenges, as well as strengths and opportunities within the juvenile justice system. Please register in advance so that we can ensure capacity to facilitate for the scheduled attendees and schedule additional sessions if necessary.

Confidential Listening Session for Youth Court Judges: Monday, May 1 12 PM CT
Register here: https://csg-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcOqgrDkoEtYPuR9nrbiIWHA8p3lsrxIT

Confidential Listening Sessions for Youth Court Referees: Tuesday, May 2. 12-1 PM CT
Register here: https://csg-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcuuoqjMpHdI2wYRz1BCgYMYwAQtOnSJ0

We are excited to be able to provide each of you with the opportunity to contribute to this project and encourage you to reach out with any questions you may have. If you would like to provide feedback but are unable to attend any of the listening sessions at the scheduled times, please email Christina Gilbert at cgilbert@csg.org and she will be happy to set up an individual call with you. Please also share information about this project with your youth court defense attorneys and prosecutors. They can reach out to CSG directly about opportunities for additional stakeholder-specific discussions.